Current Projects
Timber Project

PHEO develops sustainable projects like its Forest Concession in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa, which is focused on harvesting timber in the Mai-Ndombe Oshwe District of the DRC. PHEO, teaming with for profit enterprises, will use investment and financing strategies, backed by the assets of PHEO to maximize economic development and contribute significantly to the growth of the middle class in Africa and within the Diaspora.
Charter School

In August 2013, PHEO and Calvary, secured a permanent affordable mortgage that allows PHEO to establish a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics and Aviation (STEAMA) charter school. PHEO will establish this (STEAMA) charter school, beginning at the fourth grade level and ending at twelfth grade completion, where at least one third of each new class will be Indigenous Africans and one third Brazilian and or South American.